Privacy policy

The pages on this website are only directed at United Kingdom residents and comply with appropriate UK legislation and regulation. We have provided this privacy policy to help you understand how we collect and use your personal information when you visit our website.

Who we are

Wherever the name “Simply Heavenly” is used within these pages, this refers to one or more of the trading companies of Simply Heavenly that operate in the United Kingdom.

What information we collect and how

The information that we collect via this website may include:-

  1. Any personal details that you type in and submit such as your name, address, e-mail address, date of birth, lifestyle and other information.

  2. Data that allows us to remember you, any interests that you have recorded and how you use this website. This saves you from re-keying information when you return to the site and allows us to arrange our website content to match your preferred interests.

    We use “cookies” to collect this data. Cookies are text-only strings of information that are stored on your web browser or hard disk. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings of your web browser. However, you may not be able to use all the interactive facilities of our site if cookies are disabled.

    Further details are available on our Simply Heavenly Cookie Policy or for further information about how to disable cookies in your browser please visit the About Cookies Website.

  3. Your IP address (this is your computer's individual identification number for internet connection) that is automatically logged by our web server. This is used to note your interest in our website.

  4. Your preferences and use of e-mail updates that are recorded by e-mails we send you (only if you have selected to receive e-mail updates on products and offers).

What we do with your information


If you give us information about another person, in doing so you confirm that they have given you permission to provide it to us to be able to process their personal data (including any sensitive personal data) and also that you have told them who we are and what we will use their data for, as set out in this notice.

In the case of personal data, with limited exceptions, and on payment of the appropriate fee, you have the right to access and if necessary rectify information held about you.


Simply Heavenly may use your information to keep you informed by post, telephone, e-mail, text messaging or other electronic means, about new products and services which may be of interest to you. Your information may also be disclosed and used for these purposes after your policy has lapsed. By providing us with your contact details, you consent to being contacted for these purposes. At that time, we will provide you with a means of opting-out and in addition, you can contact us at any time to have your details removed from lists used by us for direct marketing purposes.

Your rights

You can ask us to update or remove your personal information by e-mail or by writing to the Customer Services contact that is listed in the Simply Heavenly website.

You also have the right to request a copy of all the personal information we hold about you. To do this, simply write to us at the following address enclosing a cheque for £10.00 payable to Simply Heavenly to cover our administrative costs in dealing with your request:-

The Data Protection Team
Simply Heavenly Foods
Unit 1, 156 Crow Lane
Romford, Essex

We will take all reasonable steps to confirm your identity before providing you with details of any personal information we may hold about you.

Other websites and information security

This Privacy Policy covers all websites operated by Simply Heavenly. Any other websites that may be linked to or by our website(s) will be subject to their own policies which may differ from ours. You should carefully read the privacy policies of these websites before submitting any personal information.

You should also be aware that communications over the internet, such as e-mails, are not secure unless they have been encrypted.